Physiotherapy for Stress Urinary Incontinence
What is it?
Urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine. There are 2 types of urinary incontinence; stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and urge urinary incontinence. SUI is often reported as leakage with sneezing, coughing, laughing, running, or jumping.
Who does it affect?
Whilst most commonly reported in women during and after pregnancy and in the menopausal and post-menopausal periods, it is also reported in men, particularly as they age or with co-morbid medical conditions.
How can it be treated?
Stress urinary incontinence can often be treated conservatively with pelvic floor muscle training. Other management strategies include managing lifestyle factors such a fluid intake, bowel management, weight management, and exercise choices.
What can Embodied Confidence by Leonie Mills Physio do for me?
Leonie will ask for your history and establish the risk factors that are relevant for you. With your consent, a comprehensive assessment is completed to determine the treatment required. Treatment often includes pelvic floor muscle training. Lifestyle factors will also be addressed including fluid intake, bowel management, weight management, and exercise choices. Follow-up appointments will be provided to monitor your progress and ensure your symptoms resolve to your satisfaction.