Physiotherapy for Urinary Urgency
What is it?
Urgency is the sudden, compelling urge to void. This is often very bothersome and stressful as it happens without warning. In some instances, people will avoid leaving the house and entering social situations due to the fear of leakage. Clients often describe that they have to go to the toilet ‘all the time’ or ‘when they have to go, they have to go’.
Who does it affect?
Urgency can affect both men and women. There are many reasons people can experience urgency and therefore it is reported across the lifespan.
How can it be treated?
Urgency can often be treated conservatively with bladder calming techniques and pelvic floor muscle training. Lifestyle factors are also considered including fluid intake.
What can Embodied Confidence by Leonie Mills Physio do for me?
Leonie will ask for your history and establish the risk factors that are relevant for you. With your consent, a comprehensive assessment is completed to determine the treatment required. This includes confirming you do not have a urinary tract infection (UTI), or a post-void residual (PVR). You will also be asked to complete a bladder diary if you have not done this recently. Following this, you will be provided with education and an individualised plan to reduce both the urgency and leakage. The generally involves a combination of bladder calming techniques and pelvic floor muscle training.